Welcome to our World

A world filled with love, happiness, and God. He blesses our family every day that Alyssa's shunt continues to work. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The sweetest voice

Alyssa is doing really well with her talking, and she knows a few signs too. Her favorite word is Mama, but she can say puppy, Bubba, VaVa (DaDa), Hi, Bye Bye, and she can sign love you, more, all done, music, and a few others words and signs. She can sit up for a while by herself now, but still can't sit up from a lying flat position. She can sit up from a propped position like off of a pillow. Her last shunt surgery is still holding strong, and we hope it continues to do so. I pray every day and night that her shunt keeps working and we don't have to make anymore dreaded trips to LeBonheur. The people at LeBonheur are amazing. I can't say enough about them. All the nurses and doctors are wondeful, and will go out of there way to make you comfortable. We went in one trip without anything with us. It was an emergency situation, and we didn't take a brush, toothbrush, shampoo, and some other things with us. They provided it to us happily. We forgot our phone chargers and one of the nurses had one for us to borrow. So like I said the hospitality is amazing there.
Back to the talking. My husband's father is in a rehab center right now because of a stroke. His left side was affected. He loves Alyssa and Easton so much. Well, today he was at his sister's funeral. Alyssa is sitting in my lap in the church, which is pretty quite during this time, and Mr. Gara rolls back in his wheelchair to see her. As soon as he is within her sight she says, "Hi, PawPaw," I think everyone must have heard her. It was the sweetest voice.
And when she says Mama, my heart melts. Everytime I hear it come out of her precious lips and see them press together to form the word, my heart melts. At that point I am puddy in her hands. It is the sweetest voice I have ever heard because we didn't know if she would talk. Her right side of the brain is what was affected the most. And the right side of the brain is where the language skills are thought to be built. Everyday she amazes me.

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