Welcome to our World

A world filled with love, happiness, and God. He blesses our family every day that Alyssa's shunt continues to work. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Things Taken for Granted

As parents we often take our children's milestones for granted. Just the simple things in a child's life as parents we may not notice. One day they are sitting up and you are so happy about it, but then they start to crawl and we say "Man, I miss the days when I didn't have to chase him around". My first born took off like a lightning bolt at ten months old across the floor. He had already mastered the stairs at a year old, and was standing in the middle of the table the day he turned thirteen months. He grew so fast I didn't think too much about his milestones.
Alyssa is having trouble meeting her milestones. She turned a year old April 21st and she still cannot sit up unsupported. She can sit for a long time supported, but will fall over witin five seconds of me or anyone letting her go. She uses her right side more than her left and still displays some infantile movements. Her legs will bear a little weight for an extremely short period of time. Then she will fuss at you because she wants to lay back down. Up until two weeks ago she couldn't raise herself up on her forearms. Now she can do this, but only when she wants to do it. She is about as hard headed as her mama. We do have her in therapy twice a week. I cannot say enough about our therapist. Both of them are amazing
people. Her Special Instructor, Mrs. Besty, comes to our home on Wednesdays. She is through Project Run. I think they are out of Oxford. Then on Friday we travel to Holly Springs for
Physical Therapy. Damie is wonderful for her. Alyssa will give her a good fuss most days, but
she stills likes Mrs. Damie. Physical Therapy is the key for any child not meeting their
milestones. Some of the signs we had when she was small was not lifting her head up when on
her tummy, and she also had really bad head control at four months old. I will try to post
some of the things that therapist go by when looking for milestones. One of the things that hindered Alyssa from meeting some of her milestones on time was that for a long while we
didn't know if she could see. At four months old the Neurosurgeon told us she didn't think
Alyssa could see at all. At six months old the Neurologist stated that she was clinically
blind. It wasn't long after this we started therapy and all of the therapist that had come in
contact with her at the time thought the same thing. Then as the days went on her sight seemed
to get better and better. It went from seeing nothing at all to having what the eye doctor
called a left vision block. This was around 10 months old. Now two months later I can't tell
that she has that anymore. She sees pretty well close up. She still has trouble far off and
sometimes right when she wakes up. I take this as a miracle from God. God has done so many amazing things in my life, and by adding Alyssa to it I can't explain how much He knew that I needed her in my taught. She has taught me a love like no other. She doesnt have a clue tha she is any different than you or I. But to me she is the strongest

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